Friday, October 19, 2012

A Day in the Life of a Bunny

I've always loved bunnies. A lot. A lot. A lot. They make wonderful companions and have the funniest personalities. Meet my bunnies, past and present.

This is Bunbun.

He was my very first bunny that was all mine to take care of.  I had him for almost 3 years, so needless to say, he was my buddy.

The picture above is pouting.

This is Sophia.

She's my current bunny.  She's 6.

Anyways, after having these two bunny buddies, I think I've got a bunny's routine down.

They're the same breed... ish Bunbun was a dwarf.  When he was all spread out, he was maybe 14 inches long. 

That includes his feet.

Sophia is about that size measuring from nose to tail.  Anyways... Back to a bunny's activities.  Here are a list of what I've seen are a bunny's favorite activities.

1. Eating

Both Bunbun and Sophia are little piggies.  Maybe I have an affinity for really hungry bunnies.  Bunnies need lots and lots of hay and leafy greens.  Carrots can be used as treats, but NEVER use nuts and dried fruit for rabbit treats.  Bunnies' digestive tracks weren't designed to process foods like that.

Don't confuse this with being eaten.

Bunnies do not like being eaten.
Bunbun wasn't a fan of anything in cooking.
2. Grooming

Sophia and Bunbun are really particular about how they look.  They groom themselves constantly.

I guess they wanted to make sure they were extra clean, and that they looked super stylish for all their bunny friends.

It's the cutest thing when they clean their ears!!

3. Relaxing

I think this is by far my bunnies' favorite activity. Both Sophia and Bunbun are content to sit and be calm.

Sophia likes sitting in her box.

Bunbun prefers blankets.
Sometimes, when Sophia is really really content in her relaxing, she flops over.

Bunny Flop!!
And below, more bunny flops!!!
No, the one in the video isn't mine, but that doesn't mean he's not cute.

4. Snuggles and Pets

Bunnies look snuggly because they love to snuggle.  I wish I had some pictures of either Bunbun or Sophia snuggling, but I was too busy giving them attention to get a picture.

Sophia is very funny and asks for pets.

5. Exploring = Binkies

My bunnies LOVED  to explore.  Sophia and Bunbun are the same breed, Hotot, which are known for their curious personalities.  And those two have plenty of it.

Bunbun was so small he got into a lot of places he shouldn't have.  But. That didn't stop him.

What's in here?
Sophia likes to explore too, but since she's older, she doesn't explore as much as Bunbun did.

She also likes to explore under blankets.

Surprise!  It's a bunny!

I don't have any pictures of them doing binkies, but here's a video of another bunny doing them.

6. Sleep

All the exploring takes it out of my poor little bunnies.  So they like to take lots and lots of long naps.

Sophia can sleep pretty much anywhere, even on phone books.

Bunbun was more picky and needed to be somewhere comfortable, like my bed.

I think I covered the main things they like to do.  Granted each on has different likes and dislikes, but most bunnies like to do the above.

I'm not quite sure how to categorize this last one.  Bunbun was a pretty intellectual bunny.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Adventures with Food

Normally, I don't cook. Ever.  I'm one of those people who manages to make the most disgusting food imaginable unless I follow a recipe.  My concoctions are so gross that if I had a dog, my dog probably wouldn't eat it.

My poor non-existant pet dog.  He would look up at me in pain as my attempt at culinary awesomeness failed, and he would suffer the consequences.

However, I must report that tonight my attempt at being an iron chef was met with success!!!

  1. Chicken
  2. Chipotle Mayo
  3. Toast (or tortilla if you want to make a wrap, or bun, whatever. Something to make your chicken and veggies and mayo not fall all over yourself)
  4. Zucchini
  5. Summer Squash
  6. Red Bell Pepper
Why these ingredients??
  1. Chicken is delicious
  2. Chipotle mayo is the best thing ever invented.
  3. Toast is wonderful to eat any time of day.
  4. These veggies are the only ones I like to eat.
These are pretty widely available, so if you're missing finding these ingredients should be pretty easy.  They also should be a pretty reasonable prices too.

But if this sandwich is so good, how do I make it?

I'm getting there.

  1. Cut the veggies into slices.
  2. Flatten out the chicken. (you can use a rolling pin or if you have one of those tenderizer hammer do-dads, you can use that.)
  3. Cook the veggies and chicken. (don't cook the veggies until they're translucent, just so they're brown.  And you'll probably need some oil)
  4. Season your veggies with salt and pepper midway through cooking.
  5. Make your toast.
  6. Cover toast with Chipotle mayo.
  7. Assemble Sandwich.
SUCCESS!!! Awesome sammich created! And in less than 30 minutes.

 Enjoy your sammich.  Smile with pride in the success of making and yummy delicious dinner.

I don't think I'd be more happy than if I was Willy Wonka ripping on the kids visiting the chocolate factory without them noticing.

One of the many hilarious parts of the movie!
Or the part when Violet takes the gum and starts chewing it, even thought Mr. Wonka said it wasn't finished yet.
What have I learned about when my cooking adventures actually work out??
  1. I'm really happy eating.
  2. I think I'm a master chef.
  3. I think I'm Willy Wonka.
  4. I want to watch Willy Wonka.
And since I'm feeling in the Wonka spirit... Here's a clip. Enjoy!