Monday, July 9, 2012

What Would You Do For a Klondike Bar?

Sorry to say, I never had a Klondike bar until a few years ago.  Yep, I went through a little over 20 years before I had a Klondike bar.  

I was too busy getting slushies.
This right here is clearly the truth.

After having one, I thought it was delicious! Granted not some of the crazy things posted online, but I liked some answers for what other people would do for a Klondike bar.

Here's a few of the of the ones I found online.

1. Stand facing the wrong way in an elevator.

Why? That's nothing special, just weird. Really. You'll still be able to talk to people.

It's not like you'd be doing this.

If you did this, then you DESERVE  Klondike bar.

2. Leave my fly open for an entire day.

You are brave, because that is just 100% embarrassing.  People like me would have a spaz attack.
"Umm... Your umm... yea... open. Fix.... "

I'd see you and feel really awkward.  My brain would be so filled with awkwardness that it would go back into hibernate and I would be left unable to from a complete sentence.

So, I would resort to making noises, flapping my arms around wildly, and pointing.

Thus, resulting in me looking like an idiot and other person getting a Klondike bar.

3. Throw rocks at a sleeping grizzly bear.

Bad idea.  This will most likely result in a larger, and more angry version of this.

Or this, except not raccoons.

4. Stand barefoot in a bowl of porridge while singing "Old McDonald had a Farm."

First off, gross. Probably the most uncomfortable thing possible.  My face the entire time would be this.
I haven't had porridge before, but it looks like oatmeal.  I can barely stand to look at oatmeal. I mean look at it!!

Doesn't really look appetizing.  It looks funny. There is no way, I would willingly stand in this. Ew.

Or if you're boring, like me, you'd say.

5. Go buy one.

Probably the easiest solution if you really and truly wanted a Klondike bar, plus they sometimes comes in packs of 6 or so.  So you'd really get a lot more if you went to a store rather than doing crazy/weird things for just A (singular) Klondike bar.

So.... With this all said and done.... What would you do for a Klondike bar?

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Everything is Cuter When It's Small

It seems like everywhere we turn there are smaller versions of everything. Only for somethings we say "compact", but let's face it... it's just small.  There are small headphones, cell phones, dogs, computers, even food.  Yes, food has gotten that ridiculous.

But just because something is smaller does that make it better? No, but it sure is cuter.  I'm almost 100% certain this is the reason behind toy dogs.

Don't believe me?  Let's take a look at some examples.

Exhibit A The Great Dane

See!! Look how big they are!!
When you see the Great Dane, you don't picture something cute and snugly.  I'm not talking about their personality here.  They're grand, majestic, HUGE. Not something that's cute.

Exhibit B The Cairn Terrier

Not exactly a tiny tiny dog, but whatever.  After the Wizard of Oz, what do you think of when you see this??

It's cute!!! It snuggles!!! 

And guess what? It's small.  That is why they are cute.  Just another reason why smaller is cuter.  

But does this rule apply to things other than dogs?  Yes.

Exhibit C Babies

Everyone loves babies!  Why?

Because they are small!!!

Their baby feet are smaller; their baby hands are smaller.  They are small humans.

Put aside your genetically driven parental instincts for a second.  And you realize that babies are just plain cute. I mean look at these pictures!!! How can you deny their cuteness???

Why are babies cute?? Again, because they are small.

But those things are alive.  Of course alive things are cute when they are small.  Even Great Dane puppies are cute.  But if that is the case, then why do we make small things???

Exhibit D Small Food

The formula small = cute has bee so ingrained into our minds that it plays into our perception of food.

For example, why does Burger King make cini minis?? Because not only are cinnamon rolls delicious, but making them smaller makes them better.

How???? It's a cinnamon roll??
Nom. Delicious.

They can't get any better. Right???


It gets better because at Burger King, they're small.  And still super delicious.

By the way, if you have not yet experienced the delicious-ness of the cini mini. Go to Burger King for breakfast now.  Don't ask questions, just do.

Anyways, how are the cini minis better??? Because they are small.  The smallness of them makes them better, and you feel less guilty about getting 2 orders of them :)

So you see.  Smallness plays a large role in our perception.  And I didn't even touch technology in this one.  I'll save that for later.  But anyways, smallness = cuteness.  Done.